👋 Hi, I'm Anujeet!
On this website your delving minds are free to wander and wonder.
I believe, penning down your thoughts, is a personal process, and more importantly, it’s something that should come to you naturally. You can’t compel yourself.
So here goes nothing!
Something that I’ve been procrastinating upon, and one fine day, I finally decided to give in to it. This is an attempt to streamline my thoughts. The order in the chaos – the more chaotic my mind becomes, the more tempting it seems to pen them down.
This weekly newsletter will be mainly the thoughts I’ve pondered upon, over a week, over a day, or just now. And it’ll not be a formulated tell a tale. It’ll just be my raw and unfiltered musings. Something that’ll help me connect to all of you.

Text related to blog

Something that started off as a brain-child of me and my friends as co-interns back in 2017, has transformed into a nationwide family today.
Doctors For A Cause is a non-governmental organisation founded by Arjun, Ayub and I, provides an unique and holistic approach where the medical and non medical fraternity come together to collaborate their notions regarding education, awareness and goodwill.
Click below to find more:

Do More
-Casey Neistat
A quote by Casey Neistat that has inspired me over the years and I’ve tried to embrace anything that intrigues me.
The objective of this website, is to learn from everyone of you. Because with knowledge comes humility, and we are just puny humans who are nothing but a speck of dust, consumed by the enormous universe.
I’m always open to having cerebral and healthy conversations. So if anything at all, you can contact me via the following links, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
You may connect with me on: