❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #001 - Well begun is half done

Hello everyone! After months of procrastination, relative success and failure in technical expertise I am finally writing my first newsletter to a small albeit curious set of subscribers, a new family to this tiny extension of my tiny website.

If you are reading this, my immense gratitude goes out to you for choosing to subscribe to this new-age postal service of mine without thinking twice.

Via this medium I hope to share some thoughts pondered upon, over a week, a day or just now (like in this case), some interesting insights I’ve gained and lessons I’ve learnt.

The proverb ‘well begun is half done’ was quoted by Aristotle, in Politics where he wrote, “the mistakes that lie in the beginning, big or small, bear the same ratio to the errors in the other parts” lending to the thought that initiation of something is the most difficult step of them all.

Below are some interesting trivia I’ve learnt this week and my last two blog posts, incase you missed them.

See you soon! Stay safe.

From time to time I would like to share interesting things I’ve learnt from the field of medicine, most of which still continue to surprised me💡


Psychobabble is a speech that relies on psychological jargon and expressions. Buzz words, pop psyche or self help are the other words for psychobabble. It is often used by individuals who have little to no training in psychology.

Below is a post and a photo explaining the same made by some wonderful folks at our NGO, Doctors For A Cause. Check it out!

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Click here: ❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter